Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Liked on YouTube: Therapy for Obsession | Obsessive thoughts Manhattan NY

Therapy for Obsession | Obsessive thoughts Manhattan NY
Therapy for Obsession or Obsessive thoughts http://mindworkny.com, contact@mindworkny.com Obsessive Thinking or Unhealthy worry is part of a problem called obsessive thinking. Obsessive thinking is hard to gain control over recurrent thoughts. Thoughts and images are in a network of feelings, sensations, and at times, behavioral rituals and routines. Brain scan studies indicate that obsessive thoughts are associated with a neurological dysfunction cause that forces thoughts into repetitive thinking. Obsessive thinking is like a hamster wheel in your brain, non stop like the energizer bunny. A balanced and reasonable different thought practiced of “letting go” of obsessive emotion is hard to do alone. Rather than attempting to “stop” the obsessive process, by shifting your attention to a predetermined thought and/or action, help distract your thoughts. For example, the statement “these are just thoughts, they are not helping but are only hurting me”, or “I don’t know what will happen in my future, but the probability of _________ [fill in the blank] occurring is slim” The primary goal for treating obsessive thoughts is to “get out of your head” and on with your life. Behavioral activation is setting specific goals to engage in meaningful, more healthy behaviors, and to practice attention shifting and application of other cognitive behavioral techniques. At Mindwork on average we can meet for 45 minutes each week and dive deeper into what is causing the stress in your life. If you are ready to talk to someone about the amount of stress in your life and be relieved from stress, you can contact me by email contact@mindworkny.com to set up an appointment. Visit my website, http://mindworkny.com Email me now so we can get started helping you cope with the events in your life. Please subscribe to my channel, https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXAwardeaSzI7j_H6zL2EXA/about Watch other Therapy video in this playlist, https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLnaPSsX3MYjJpGYa46iFFEocdKKP1WFnO Follow me on Twitter, https://twitter.com/mindwork7
via YouTube http://youtu.be/D2IThP56_DQ

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